I’ve just seen a video on YouTube of a girl tattooing her own brows. She showed a machine that she bought on Ebay and basically broke every last rule of what you should do before you tattoo your brows.
She bought a Chinese machine off of Ebay and used the colours that came with the machine. I have always said that China makes great lasers but I have still to see a good semi permanent make up machine. They lack the power and precision needed for those crisp hair strokes. A machine that costs £100 is not going to do the same job as one that costs £5000. If you’re thinking of having brows done, ask to see the machine and if it doesn’t say Made in Germany or Switzerland….step away, make your excuses and leg it out the door!
A good bottle of pigment costs £35, not £10 like the girl in the video said…. Cheap pigments have a high allergy rate…. No self respecting semi permanent make up technician would use cheap pigments. Also, pigments are expensive because of their reflective qualities.
I have been tattooing for over four years now and I think I’m fairly good at it. I still sweat every single time I tattoo a face. IT’S SOMEONE’S FACE!!!!! There is no room for error. Semi Permanent Makeup is the most difficult thing I have EVER done. It takes years of practice to get the right pressure, the right angle….it’s just so skilled.
I specialise in correction and there is just so much of it about because of silly girls like this that post videos that give people an incentive to try to do it themselves with cheap machines. I’m then contacted by disfigured women that have gone so deep in the skin that it will take me years to get the ink out.
If ever there was an industry where you get what you pay for is this one. If it’s cheap, it’s cheap for a reason. I’m not cheap, it will cost you a lot more to have me correct them than to pay a professional in the first place.