Although the headlines is not what we would have liked, a very positive article about our treatment for stretch marks removal.

We never claimed DermaEraze doesn’t hurt.  The pain is similar to having a tattoo.  Some 60% of people under 25 have tattoos, and they all went through the pain without the benefit of numbing cream so it’s fair to say that the pain of DermaEraze is well worth the gain.

It’s wonderful that a paper like The Mail on Sunday thought enough about our treatment to feature a half page article on it.  The’re was a lot of research before hand and they insisted on speaking to our clients which we were more than happy to allow them to do.

We know that DermaEraze is too good to be true, and we accept that people will be sceptical about it.  That is why we offer test patches and do everything we can to prove it to people before they lay out the money for the whole treatment.  We understand that people are desperate by the time they get to us and that they think we are just another gimmick.

Our technicians will always work with people to put their mind at rest.  Still, ultimately, the burden is on the client to research DermaEraze and to look at authoritative websites such as The Good Surgeon Guide.

We have never claimed that DermaEraze works 100% of the time.  We have always claimed that it works for 95% of people.  We are in the process of doing clinical trials so that we can show figures backed up by scientific data.  We are confident that the clinical trial will show this success rate if not better as we tend to under promise and over deliver.

What we have learned is that DermaEraze does not work for people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome..or Stretch Skin Syndrome.  This is where the skin is deprived of collagen and becomes overly stretchy.  People with this syndrome will develop stretch marks in the stomach area that look like pregnancy stretch marks.   Many of the cases where we had no results are undiagnosed cases of Ehler-Danlos.  We now know how to spot it and turn people away.

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